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Evil Man Blues

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A nostalgic blues song with a country vibe. It features strong female narrative vocal with saxophone, piano, kit drums and bass with occasional solos.
Composer: The Candy Shop Boys
Album: John Wick
Label: n/a
Release Date: 2013
Vocals Array
BPM: 115
Writer : Lionel Hampton
Writer Percentage: 50%
Writer PRO: BMI
Writer CAE/IPI: 13322341
Writer : Leonard Geoffrey Feather
Writer Percentage: 50%
Writer CAE/IPI: 9870668
Publisher 1: Modern Age Music Company
Publisher 1 Percentage: 50%
Publisher 1 PRO: BMI
Publisher 1 CAE/IPI: 21066235
Publisher 2: Model-Music Company
Publisher 2 Percentage: 50%
Publisher 2 PRO: ASCAP
Publisher 2 CAE/IPI: 21063636
ISRC: GB6LT1321957
Custom Track ID: 4310